Attendance Reporting Requirements
Attendance Line - (630)468-4555
Parents may report absences by calling the attendance line or entering it in Infinite Campus. Absences must be reported within 24 hours of an absence. Failure to call within 24 hours of the day of absence will result in an unexcused absence.
Reporting Absences Due to Illness
Please clearly and slowly state the following:
- Date and time of the call
- Student ID number
- Spell the student's first and last names
- Reason for absence and date of expected return
- Relationship to the student and call-back number
Reporting Absences Other than Illness
Partial Day - Doctor visits, physical therapy, dentist and orthodontist absences can be left on the Attendance Line - (630)468-4555 on the morning of the absence. Your student will then receive a pass for dismissal. Upon return your student may provide a note to the Student Center. For all other partial day absences, please call the number below:
Last Name A - K: (630)468-4225
Last name L - Z: (630)468-4223
If a parent/guardian anticipates being out of town and therefore will be unable to provide official notification of a student absence, the parent/guardian must provide written documentation of the adult designated to approve student absences in their stead. This written documentation must be submitted to the Attendance Office prior to the parent/legal guardian leaving town.
For absences of 3 days or more please complete the Pre-Arranged Absence form on the panel below.
Compulsory Attendance
The Illinois School Code requires that whoever has custody or control of any child between the ages of 6 and 17 years of age or who is enrolled in any of grades kindergarten through 12 in the public school regardless of age, to ensure that the child attends school in the district in which he or she resides, during the entire time school is in session (unless the child has already graduated from high school). Illinois law also requires that whoever has custody or control of a child who is enrolled in the school, regardless of the child’s age, shall ensure that the child attends school during the entire time school is in session.
The District expects parents/guardians to make responsible efforts to ensure the regular attendance of their students and to inform the school of any absence and the reason for the absence. Parents/guardians are required to provide at least one but not more than two telephone numbers where parents/guardians can be reached regarding absences.
The Illinois School Code and Board Policy 7:70, considers VALID CAUSE (excused) for a student’s absence to be:
- Illness
- Observance of a religious holiday
- Death in the immediate family
- Family emergency
- Other situations beyond the control of the students as determined by the Board of Education
- Voting (see Board Policy 7:90, Release During School Hours)
- Circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for the student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or safety
- Other reason as approved by the Superintendent or designee
- Hospitalization
- Court dates
- College visits – when Pre-Arranged Absence Procedures are followed
The District neither recognizes nor condones planned absences from school that do not relate to the preceding list. The school reserves the right to require documents of valid appointments from appropriate professionals or officials.
When absences become excessive (chronic absenteeism as defined below) due to illness the District will ask parents/guardians to present medical documentation of physical and emotional conditions causing a student’s absence.
If a student is absent due to a court appearance, documentation may be requested to excuse the absence.
Student Expectations
Each high school’s regular school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m. Students are required to attend all scheduled classes prior to and following such special events such as field trips, assemblies, AP exams and any other events that are scheduled within regular school hours. Students must remain on campus through their last scheduled class.
Students will report to class or study hall on time. If they are to be excused in order to go to another classroom or office during a class prior, the teacher or study hall supervisor must authorize it in writing. Students assigned to study hall due to a physical education medical exclusion or athletic exemptions are required to attend study hall on a daily basis. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes on the school day in which they participate in extracurricular activities. Students are expected to attend all special assemblies, programs, and homerooms provided by the school.
Calls to excuse students only for the time of an assembly may not be accepted.
Tardiness is not acceptable because it disrupts class, damages the morale of students who are on time, reflects a negative attitude toward class and creates disruption in the corridors. Fifteen minutes or more of time missed will be considered an absence.
Parents/guardians must notify the Attendance Office if a student will be arriving late to school before the student’s arrival at school.
Pre-Arranged Absences
The Pre-Arranged Absence form must be completed by the parent/guardian two (2) days before the absence begins in order for it to be excused.
This form must be completed in the following instances:
1. Student will be absent for 3 or more school days
2. Student will be absent during final exams
3. Student will be absent due to a non-school related activity
4. Student will be absent due to a civic event
Parents/guardians will need to contact the Attendance Office in order to verify the absence.
Parents/guardians must:
Fill out the Pre-Arranged Absence form electronically.
Fill out the form with details regarding the reason for the absence and the relevant dates.
Non-school related competitive activity or sport – letter from the coach with dates, schedule, or registration documents.
College visit – turn in documentation of scheduled appointment/tour.
Student should:
Talk to their teachers about all homework that must be completed during that time.
Be prepared to meet deadlines related to coursework completion.
Pre-Arranged Outside Sport/Event