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Vision Statement

Our counseling staff is committed to proactive collaboration with students, parents and colleagues to focus on a shared vision.  This results in A Partnership in Learning with students and families alike to develop and promote the personal responsibility necessary for adolescents to attain their maximum potential in the areas of academics, personal development and post-secondary planning. 

The goal is that each student can become:

  • A confident young adult while developing unique and individual talents.
  • Enthusiastic about learning.
  • An active member of the school community.
  • A person of good character committed to making a positive difference in the world.
  • Successful in the post-secondary opportunities he or she selects.
  • Passionate about embracing his or her ambitious dreams for future endeavors

Mission Statement

The Hinsdale South Counseling services are the cornerstone of a planned program of secondary education, encompassing all facets of college and career planning, academic decision-making and personal-social development. Our Counseling Department's holistic and comprehensive services complement other quality educational programs within the school and provide further commitment to the intellectual, physical, social, cultural, career, and occupational development of the individual as he or she moves into our community and world.

Counseling Quicklinks

Department Staff

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Michael Holland

Michael Holland

Director of Counseling

Sylvia Cabrera

Administrative Assistant

Veronica Alvarez

Administrative Assistant

Annette Sarocco
