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Library Media Center

The mission of the District 86 library media department is to:

Teach all of our students to thoughtfully inquire about the world around them, efficiently seek information to address those inquiries, critically evaluate the quality of that information, capably apply the knowledge acquired to new problems, questions, or ideas, and objectively assess the work they produce as a result of the research process.

Collaborate with other teachers to design and implement lessons and assessments that challenge our students to become effective users of ideas and information, perhaps the single most important 21st century skill.

Provide leadership, instruction, and expertise in the use of information and technology that encourages creative problem-solving and the ethical, socially responsible sharing of information.

Provide access to a variety of quality resources that support the curriculum and meet the diverse needs and interests of our school community in a vibrant learning environment equipped for the demands of 21st century teaching and learning.

Promote lifelong learning through programming that encourages reading, inquiry and the use of technology to meet learning goals.

Library Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday hours are 7:15 am - 3:30 pm.

On early release Wednesdays, the hours are 7:15 am - 3:30 pm.

Lisa Elo

Lisa Elo

English Department Chair

Elizabeth Hernandez

School Librarian

Kristina Howard

Library Aide

Agnes Miranda

Library Aide